Our company, Woodang, is very successful with the production of furniture based on Korean & Japanese traditional arts.
Since the foundation in 1984, Woodang has been producing and exporting many kinds of interior and practical furnitures.
Now we are willing to give you the good chance to meet our best quality of products.
Woodang is very proud of the five following points...
1) Perfect Quality control
2) Competitive Price
3) Correct time of Delivery
4) Perfect custom made
5) Reliable and Thorough Service Before and After sales
We are reappearing the design and quality of furnitures perfectly those have been used only by the top ruler, rich families, the nobility in our old Rhee Dynasty. If you meet Woodang, you can have the best opportunity to see the very qulified Antique Furniture made by hands.
I believe this will be your new fantastic experience.
You can feel that our goods, as the arts of furniture, are more practical than the other ones.